
Saturday, July 08, 2006

Why Are You So Upset?

Why Are You So Upset?

Give me your tired, your poor, and your overused excuses. This is something that pops into my head when I hear everyone talking about the immigration issues. This nation was built on the sweat of immigrants that is why there are so many different people in the United States. So why is everyone upset? Oh yeah they don’t speak English like they should. Give me a break did the Indians force the immigrants to learn their language? No they didn’t if I’m wrong then why we all don’t speak some kind of native Indian language is puzzling to me. Everyone was basically forced to learn English; kind of sounds familiar doesn’t it? If I remember correctly the Statue of Liberty says “Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, the wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed, to me: I lift my lamp beside the golden door.” There is no small writing anywhere near the end of that that says (only if they speak English). We are supposedly the freest country in the world that accepts anyone according to our Statue. So why don’t we all feel this way all the time? It is said that immigrants are taking too many jobs away from hard working Americans. Jobs like working for less than minimum wage in a hot field all day. The last time I remember that happening they called it slavery and people were getting upset. So now no one is upset they will gladly take the job, yeah right. There is not a single American out there that I know that wants to work for minimum wage or even less than minimum for that matter. Yet we all still find a reason to complain. So then we all say well what about all the work we send their way by building factories over there. Well what about it? Have you been there? Have you worked in conditions like that? Hell no you would quit in the first hour because we have OSHA and other labor laws that protect us from that. So why is it that you complain? Is it because they are taking a job that you want or is it because they are taking the job and succeeding? So again I say give me your tired, your poor, and your overused excuses. In return I will give you an immigrant that will build your house, shingle your roof, keep your lawn, and clear your fields for $1.50 an hour and go home smiling because they are feeling the same freedom you are.